INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING AND RUNNING THE VB/ISAM SAMPLE PROGRAM "SAM4": 1. Copy the two files VBIS23DM.DLL and FLDPAK12.DLL to your Windows directory. (Note the file date on FLDPAK12.DLL; if you already have an older version, please replace it with this one.) 2. Copy the four files VBPROD.ISD, .ISM, .ISF, and .ISS to your c:\ directory. 3. Create a miscellaneous directory anywhere on your hard disk, and copy everything else to it. In that directory, you'll have: a) The two information files VBISAM.WRI and FLDPAK12.WRI; read them using Windows Write. b) The VB custom control files CMDIALOG.VBX, SPIN.VBX, and THREED.VBX. If you don't have these VBXs already (they come with the Professional Edition of VB3), copy or move them into your Windows\System directory. c) All the components of the VB program SAM4; start Visual Basic (VB3 is required), open the project file SAM4.MAK, and run it. Software Source 7/94